Hundreds of late-term babies are born alive in failed abortions every year. 

These babies are not considered human beings because they’re unwanted. They have no right to life, despite having a beating heart and a fully developed body. 

After birth, they are set aside and left to die. Their suffering may last for hours. Yet they are intentionally denied pain relief and life-saving care. 

These babies are not treated as children, but as medical waste.

To our nation’s shame, 724 babies in Queensland and Victoria died this way between 2010-2020 and hundreds more in other Australian states and territories.

Senators Canavan, Antic and Babet want to stop this systemic, barbaric treatment of Australian babies through their Born Alive Bill.

Please sign this petition to call on Senators to pass this bill, so that babies born alive in abortions can receive pain relief and life-saving care.

20,000 signatures needed

Dear Senators, 

Every child is a unique, valuable, human being – even in the womb.

But every year, hundreds of late-term babies are born alive in failed abortions and they are intentionally denied pain relief or life-saving care.

This is a horrifying and shameful human rights abuse.

These are Australian children – not medical waste – and they deserve the same protection as every other child under Australian law. 

I respectfully call on you to pass the Human Rights Born Alive Bill, so that babies born alive in abortions are given pain relief and life-saving care.

This is the very least they deserve.

Yours sincerely,